We develop advanced mathematical and numerical models for the simulation of industrial and environmental processes
- Finite-volume methods
- Lattice-Boltzmann methods
- Lagrangian particle-tracking
- Multiphase, Eulerian-Eulerian solvers
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Genetic algorithms
- OpenFOAM (TM)
- Domestic gas burners (cooktop, heaters)
- Powerstation boilers, windboxes, heat exchangers
- Flue-gas desulphurisation units
- Automotive heat exchangers
- Fluidized bed combustion
- Aeroturbine combustion chambers
- Desuperheating units
- Heat recovery units
- Aluminum coil annealing
- Klinker furnaces in cement plants
Not just CFD...
... Fluids Engineering
We use CFD as a tool to investigate optimal solutions to practical industrial problems involving
fluid flow,
heat transfer,
chemical reaction
Our CFD Projects, Theses, Papers
SAFEComb: High fidelity industrial combustion simulation using reduced order models
Representation of the thermochemistry in industrial combustion applications using reduced-order models.
SCORE: Sustainable COmbustion REsearch
Advanced modeling and experimental research for sustainable combustion. A CONSOLIDER project by 5 universities and research centres.
Presentation: Simulation of Fluidized Bed Combustion
A presentation from the OXYCFD project on the simulation of Fluidized Bed Combustion using Eulerian-Eulerian models implemented in OpenFOAM.
Multiphysics models for the simulation of solid oxide fuel cells
By María García-Camprubí, Jul 2011. A OpenFOAM-based comprehensive model of the multiphysics phenomena in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell or Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell.
Turbulent combustion modeling using Large Eddy Simulation
By Salvador Ochoa, Mar 2010. A Linear Eddy Model for the simulation of turbulent combustion using Large Eddy Simulation, and its application to some canonical flames for validation. (In Spanish)
A Tribute to DB Spalding and His Contributions in Science and Engineering
A Tribute to DB Spalding and His Contributions in Science and Engineering -- by Artemov, V.; Beale, S. B.; Davis, G. D. V.; Escudier, M. P.; Fueyo, N.; Launder, B. E.; Leonardi, E.; Malin, M. R.; Minkowycz, W. J.; Patankar, S. V.; Pollard, A.; Rodi, W.; Runchal, A.; Vanka, S. P. -- in International Journal of Heat And Mass Transfer. 2009
M3SOFC: Multiphysics and multiscale methods for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Multiphysics models for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), and their implementation in OpenFOAM

Computational Gas Dynamics with the lattice Boltzmann method: preconditioning and boundary conditions
By Salvador Izquierdo, Jun 2010. Non-reflecting boundary conditions and preconditioning for Lattice-Boltzmann methods.
OXYCFD: Modelling and simulation of fluidized-bed combustion
Models and numerical tools for the simulation of Fluidized Bed Combustion using Eulerian-Eulerian models, implemented in OpenFOAM.

Coupled solution of the Navier-Stokes equation using a partially-implicit implementation of momentum interpolation
Ana Cubero, Feb 2008. A new robust solver for the coupled Navier-Stokes equations that is accurate, robust, and numerically stable.