crossCert EU Project: Towards reliable, practical, and people-centred European energy performance certification of buildings
crossCert is a Horizon 2020 project that will contribute to develop the next generation of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) by cross testing existing and upcoming EPC methodologies across the EU.
SOFT-SOLAIRE: Developing simplified models for hybrid solar panels
Accurate prediction of hybrid PVT solar panel performance
3GSol – Solar hybrid PVT collectors with trigeneration for the food-processing industry
Development of a cost-competitive solution for the simultaneous generation of electricity, heating and cooling with solar energy, based on the integration of solar hybrid PVT collectors with cooling technologies.
PrioritEE: Prioritise energy efficiency measures in public buildings
In PrioritEE we cooperate with 12 other European partners in the development of decision support tools for local authorities to enhance the energy efficiency of public municipal buildings. GFN supports a pilot application to the Teruel province in Spain.
SAFEComb: High fidelity industrial combustion simulation using reduced order models
Representation of the thermochemistry in industrial combustion applications using reduced-order models.
EFESO: EFficient, Environmental, Safe and glObal cooktops
Comprehensive simulation of gas cooktops for efficiency and safety.
SCORE: Sustainable COmbustion REsearch
Advanced modeling and experimental research for sustainable combustion. A CONSOLIDER project by 5 universities and research centres.
CREE/E: Rigorous quantification of energy scenarios for Spain
A detailed, LEAP-based national energy model for Spain, and its application to the analysis of the "energy bubble".
FLEXI BURN: Development of high-efficiency CFB technology with CCS
Heat transfer model for the Heat Recovery Zone of a fluidized bed under flexible firing conditions, including oxy-firing.
M3SOFC: Multiphysics and multiscale methods for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Multiphysics models for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), and their implementation in OpenFOAM