The “cost of not doing” energy planning: The Spanish energy bubble -- by Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Energy. 2016

Preface: Special Issue Dedicated to the 2nd International Conference on Towards Sustainable Combustion – SPEIC2014 -- by Costa, M.; Fernandes, E.; Fueyo, N.; Ballester, J.; Garcia-Ybarra, P. -- in Flow Turbulence And Combustion. 2016

Iberia thirty years after Saramago's Stone Raft: Opportunities for technical change and challenges for science and technology policy under increasing uncertainty -- by Heitor, M. V.; Horta, H.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Technological Forecasting And Social Change, 2016
Multi-scale permeability of deformable fibrous porous media -- by Bergamasco, L.; Izquierdo, S.; Pagonabarraga, I.; Fueyo, N. Chemical Engineering Science. 2015
The future of energy in Uzbekistan -- by Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Energy. 2015
Crossing trajectories and phase change in Eulerian-Eulerian models of disperse multiphase flows -- by Cubero, A.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo,N. -- in International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2015
Challenges in the electrochemical modelling of solid oxide fuel and electrolyser cells -- by García-Camprubí, M.; Izquierdo, S.; Fueyo, N. -- in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014
The causes of the high energy intensity of the Kazakh economy: A characterization of its energy system -- by Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Energy. 2014
A consistent momentum interpolation method for steady and unsteady multiphase flows -- by Cubero, A.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo, N. -- in Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2014
An open-source library for the numerical modeling of mass-transfer in solid oxide fuel cells -- by Novaresio, V.; García-Camprubí,M.; Izquierdo, S.; Asinari, P.; Fueyo, N. -- in Computer Physics Communications. 2012
Subgrid linear eddy mixing and combustion modelling of a turbulent nonpremixed piloted jet flame -- by Ochoa, J. S.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo, N. -- in Flow Turbulence And Combustion. 2012
Spanish energy roadmap to 2020: Socioeconomic implications of renewable targets -- by Gómez, A.; Zubizarreta, J.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Energy. 2011
CFD analysis of cooling effects in H2-fed solid oxide fuel cells -- by García-Camprubí, M.; Jasak, H.; Fueyo, N. -- in Journal of Power Sources. 2011
Improving the accuracy of lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid microflows -- by Izquierdo, Salvador; Fueyo, Norberto -- in International Journal For Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2011
The use of cost-generation curves for the analysis of wind electricity costs in Spain. -- by Fueyo, Norberto; Sanz, Yosune; Rodrigues, Marcos; Montañés, Carlos; Dopazo, César. -- in Applied Energy. 2011
The technical potential of first-generation biofuels obtained from energy crops in Spain by -- by Gómez, A.; Rodrigues, M.; Montañés, C.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Biomass & Bioenergy. 2011
Roof-top solar energy potential under performance-based building energy codes: The case of Spain -- by Izquierdo, S.; Montañés, C.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Solar Energy. 2011
A method for the assesment of the visual impact caused by the large-scale deployment of renewable-energy facilities -- by Rodrigues, M.; Montañés, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2010
Multimodal Mass Transfer in Solid-Oxide Fuel-Cells -- by García Camprubí, M. M.; Sánchez Insa, A.; Fueyo, N. -- in Chemical Engineering Science. 2010
An estimation of the energy potental of agro-industrial residues in Spain -- by Gómez, A.; Zubizarreta, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Resources Conservation and Recycling. 2010
Mass Transfer in Hydrogen-Fed Anode-Supported SOFCs -- by García Camprubí, M. M.; Fueyo, N. -- in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010
Analysis of CSP plants for the definition of energy policies: the influence on electricity cost of solar multiples, capacity factors and energy storage -- by Izquierdo, S.; Montañés C.; Dopazo C.; Fueyo N. -- in Energy Policy. 2010
The potential for electricity generation from crop and forestry residues in Spain -- by Gómez, A.; Rodrígues, M.; Montañés, C.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Biomass & Bioenergy. 2010
Supply-cost curves for geographically distributed renewable-energy resources -- by Izquierdo, S.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. -- in Energy. 2010
Analysis of Open Boundary Effects in Unsteady Lattice Boltzmann Simulations -- by Izquierdo, S.; Martínez-Lera, P.; Fueyo, N. -- in Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 2009
Journal articles, reverse chronological order
- Heitor, M. V.; Horta, H.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. Iberia thirty years after Saramago”s Stone Raft: Opportunities for technical change and challenges for science and technology policy under increasing uncertainty. Technological Forecasting And Social Change. 2016
- Costa, M.; Fernandes, E.; Fueyo, N.; Ballester, J.; Garcia-Ybarra, P. Preface: Special Issue Dedicated to the 2nd International Conference on Towards Sustainable Combustion – SPEIC2014. Flow Turbulence And Combustion. 2016
- Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. The “cost of not doing” energy planning: The Spanish energy bubble. Energy. 2016
- Cubero, A.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo,N. Crossing trajectories and phase change in Eulerian-Eulerian models of disperse multiphase flows. International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2015
- Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. The future of energy in Uzbekistan. Energy. 2015
- Bergamasco, L.; Izquierdo, S.; Pagonabarraga, I.; Fueyo, N. Multi-scale permeability of deformable fibrous porous media. Chemical Engineering Science. 2015
- Cubero, A.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo, N. A consistent momentum interpolation method for steady and unsteady multiphase flows. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2014
- Gómez, A.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. The causes of the high energy intensity of the Kazakh economy: A characterization of its energy system. ENERGY. 2014
- García-Camprubí, M.; Izquierdo, S.; Fueyo, N. Challenges in the electrochemical modelling of solid oxide fuel and electrolyser cells. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014
- Ochoa, J. S.; Sánchez-Insa, A.; Fueyo, N. Subgrid linear eddy mixing and combustion modelling of a turbulent nonpremixed piloted jet flame. Flow Turbulence And Combustion. 2012
- Novaresio, V.; García-Camprubí,M.; Izquierdo, S.; Asinari, P.; Fueyo, N. An open-source library for the numerical modeling of mass-transfer in solid oxide fuel cells. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS. 2012
- Izquierdo, S.; Montañés, C.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. Roof-top solar energy potential under performance-based building energy codes: The case of Spain. Solar Energy. 2011
- Gómez, A.; Rodrigues, M.; Montañés, C.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. The technical potential of first-generation biofuels obtained from energy crops in Spain. BIOMASS & Bioenergy. 2011
- Fueyo, Norberto; Sanz, Yosune; Rodrigues, Marcos; Montañés, Carlos; Dopazo, César. The use of cost-generation curves for the analysis of wind electricity costs in Spain. Applied Energy. 2011
- Izquierdo, Salvador; Fueyo, Norberto. Improving the accuracy of lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid microflows. International Journal For Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2011
- García-Camprubí, M.; Jasak, H.; Fueyo, N. CFD analysis of cooling effects in H2-fed solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2011
- Izquierdo, Salvador; Montañés Carlos; Dopazo César; Fueyo Norberto. Roof-top solar energy potential under performance-based building energy codes: The case of Spain. SOLAR ENERGY. 2011
- Gómez, A.; Zubizarreta, J.; Dopazo, C.; Fueyo, N. Spanish energy roadmap to 2020: Socioeconomic implications of renewable targets. Energy. 2011
- Gómez, Antonio; Rodrígues, Marcos; Montañés, Carlos; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto. The potential for electricity generation from crop and forestry residues in Spain. Biomass & Bioenergy. 2010
- Izquierdo, Salvador; Montañés Carlos; Dopazo César; Fueyo Norberto. Analysis of CSP plants for the definition of energy policies: the influence on electricity cost of solar multiples, capacity factors and energy storage. Energy Policy. 2010
- García Camprubí, M. Montserrat; Fueyo, Norberto. Mass Transfer in Hydrogen-Fed Anode-Supported SOFCs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010
- Gómez, Antonio; Zubizarreta, Javier; Rodrigues, Marcos; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto. An estimation of the energy potental of agro-industrial residues in Spain. Resources Conservation and Recycling. 2010
- García Camprubí, M. Montserrat; Sánchez Insa, Alberto; Fueyo, Norberto. Multimodal Mass Transfer in Solid-Oxide Fuel-Cells. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010
- Rodrigues, Marcos; Montañés, Carlos; Fueyo, Norberto. A method for the assesment of the visual impact caused by the large-scale deployment of renewable-energy facilities. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2010
- Izquierdo, Salvador; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto. Supply-cost curves for geographically distributed renewable-energy resources. ENERGY POLICY. 2010
- Gómez, Antonio; Zubizarreta, Javier; Rodrigues, Marcos; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto. Potential and cost of electricity generation from human and animal waste in Spain. Renewable Energy. 2010
- Izquierdo, S.; Fueyo, N. Optimal Preconditioning of Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Journal of Computational Physics. 2009
- Artemov, V.; Beale, S. B.; Davis, G. D. V.; Escudier, M. P.; Fueyo, N.; Launder, B. E.; Leonardi, E.; Malin, M. R.; Minkowycz, W. J.; Patankar, S. V.; Pollard, A.; Rodi, W.; Runchal, A.; Vanka, S. P. A Tribute to DB Spalding and His Contributions in Science and Engineering. International Journal of Heat And Mass Transfer. 2009
- Izquierdo, S.; Martínez-Lera, P.; Fueyo, N. Analysis of Open Boundary Effects in Unsteady Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 2009
- Lozano, A.; Barreras, F.; Fueyo, N.; Santodomingo, S. The Flow in an oil/water Plate Heat Exchanger for the Automotive Industry. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2008
- Gómez, A.; Fueyo, N.; Díez, L. I. Modelling and Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in the Convective Zone of a Power-Generation Boiler. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2008
- Cubero, A.; Fueyo, N. Preconditioning Based on a Partially Implicit Implementation of Momentum Interpolation for Coupled Solvers. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals. 2008
- Dopazo García, C.; Fueyo Díaz, N. Las Nuevas Tecnologías Energéticas. Ingeniería Y Territorio. 2008
- Izquierdo, S.; Fueyo, N. Preconditioned Navier-Stokes Schemes from the Generalised Lattice Boltzmann Equation. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2008
- Izquierdo, S.; Fueyo, N. Characteristic Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Open Boundaries in Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2008
- Izquierdo, S.; Rodrigues, M.; Fueyo, N. A Method for Estimating the Geographical Distribution of the Available Roof Surface Area for Large-Scale Photovoltaic Energy-Potential Evaluations. Solar Energy. 2008
- Fueyo, N.; Gómez, A.; González, J. F. A Comprehensive Mathematical Model of Flue-Gas Desulfurization. Mathematics In Industry. 2008
- Martinez-Lera, P.; Izquierdo, S . ;Fueyo, N. Lattice-Boltzmann LES of Vortex Shedding in the Wake of a Square Cylinder. Lecture Notes in Computational Science And Engineering. 2007
- Cubero, A.; Fueyo, N. A Compact Momentum Interpolation Procedure for Unsteady Flows and Relaxation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals. 2007
- Gómez, A.; Fueyo, N.; Tomás,A. Detailed Modelling of a Flue-Gas Desulfurisation Plant. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2007
- López Pagés, Enrique; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto. Very-near-field dynamics in the injection of two-dimensional gas jets and thin liquid sheets between two parallel high-speed gas streams. Journal Of Fluid Mechanics. 2004
- Izquierdo, Salvador; Cubero, Ana; Fueyo, Norberto. Diseño inverso de chimeneas industriales mediante algoritmos genéticos. INGENIERIA QUIMICA. 2004
- Chorda, R.; Blasco, J. A.; Fueyo, N. An efficient particle-locating algorithm for application in arbitrary 2D and 3D grids. International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2002
- Domínguez, M.; Masana, Fn; Jiménez, V.; Bermejo, S.; Amirola, J; Ballester, Javier; Fueyo, Norberto; Castaner, Lm. Los-cost thermal sigma-delta air flow sensor. Ieee Sensors Journal. 2002
- Blasco, J.A.; Fueyo, N.; Dopazo, C.; Chen, J.Y. A Self-Organizing-Map Approach to Chemistry Representation in Combustion Applications. Combustion Theory And Modelling. 2000
- Chen, J.Y.; Blasco, J.A.; Fueyo, N.; Dopazo, C. An Economical Strategy for Storage of Chemical Kinetics: Fitting in Situ Adaptive Tabulation with Artificial Neural Networks. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute. 2000
- Fueyo, N.; Vicente, W.; Blasco, J.; Dopazo, C. Stochastic Simulation of No Formation in Lean Premixed Methane Flames. Combustion Science and Technology. 2000
- Fueyo, Norberto; Blasco, Javier. Relaxation control in the solution of CFD problems. International Journal Of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 1999
- Blasco, J. A.; Fueyo, N.; Larroya, J. C.; Dopazo, C.; Chen, Y. J. A single-step time-integrator of a methane-air chemical system using artificial neural networks. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 1999
- Fueyo, N.; Gambón, V.; Dopazo, C.; González, J. F. Computational evaluation of low NOx operating conditions in arch-fired boilers. Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of The Asme. 1999
- Blasco, Javier; Fueyo, Norberto; Dopazo, César; Ballester, Javier. Modelling the Temporal Evolution of a Reduced Combustion Chemical System With an Artificial Neural Network. Combustion And Flame. 1998
- Dopazo, C.; Valiño, L.; Fueyo, N. Statistical description of the turbulent mixing of scalar fields. International Journal Of Modern Physics B. 1997
- Ballester, Javier; Dopazo, César; Fueyo, Norberto; Hernández, Manuel; Vidal, Pedro J. Investigation of NOx strategies for natural gas combustion. Fuel. 1997
- Fueyo, N.; Gambón, V.; Dopazo, C.; Gómez Yagüe, P.; Otero, P. Simulación de flujo, combustión y formación de NOx en una caldera de carbón de doble arco y quemadores verticales. Anales De Ingeniería Mecánica. 1997
- Fueyo, N.; Ballester, J. And Dopazo, C. . The Computation of particle size in Eulerian-Eulerian models of coal combustion. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 1997
- Ballester, J.; Fueyo, N. and Dopazo, C. Combustion characteristics of heavy oil-water emulsions. Fuel. 1996
- Ballester, J.; Fueyo, N. and Dopazo, C. . Detailed measurements in heavy oil and oil-water emulsion flames. Combustion Science and Technology. 1995
Book chapters
- Industrial Steam Boilers. Barroso Estébanez, Jorge Ángel; Barreras Toledo, Félix; Ballester Castañer, Javier; Fueyo Díaz, Norberto. Handbook of Combustion. Volume 1: Fundamentals And Safety. 2010
- Fueyo, N. and Dopazo, C. Fluidization fundamentals. Fluidization Fundamentals. 1995
Edited volumes
- Edited by W. Rodi, N. Fueyo. Engineering turbulence modelling and experiments 5:proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Mallorca, Spain, 16-18 September 2002. 2002