Development of the flamelet-generated manifold model for the simulation of partially-premixed, non-adiabatic, laminar flames
By Carlos Montañés, Feb 2016. A Flamelet Generated Manifold for partially-premixed flames, with large heat extraction from the flame.

A consistent algorithm for the simulation of multiphase reactive flows, and its application to fluidized beds
By Alberto Sánchez, Jan 2016. A comprehensive multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian model for hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reaction in fluidized beds. Implemented in OpenFOAM. (In Spanish)
Renewable energies and energy scenarios for Spain
By Antonio Gómez, Jul 2011. A rigorous quantification of the potential and cost of renewable energy sources in Spain, and the analysis of several energy scenarios for 2020. (In Spanish.)
Multiphysics models for the simulation of solid oxide fuel cells
By María García-Camprubí, Jul 2011. A OpenFOAM-based comprehensive model of the multiphysics phenomena in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell or Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell.
Turbulent combustion modeling using Large Eddy Simulation
By Salvador Ochoa, Mar 2010. A Linear Eddy Model for the simulation of turbulent combustion using Large Eddy Simulation, and its application to some canonical flames for validation. (In Spanish)

Computational Gas Dynamics with the lattice Boltzmann method: preconditioning and boundary conditions
By Salvador Izquierdo, Jun 2010. Non-reflecting boundary conditions and preconditioning for Lattice-Boltzmann methods.

Coupled solution of the Navier-Stokes equation using a partially-implicit implementation of momentum interpolation
Ana Cubero, Feb 2008. A new robust solver for the coupled Navier-Stokes equations that is accurate, robust, and numerically stable.
Simulation of combustion and pollutant formation in lean premixed flames
By William Vicente, Sep 2000. We simulate lean, premixed, turbulent methane and propane flames using a Transported PDF combustion model implemented in the CFD code PHOENICS. Major emphasis is placed in the prediction of pollutant formation, notably CO and NOx. (In Spanish)

Representation of chemical kinetics using Artificial Neural Networks for the simulation of turbulent reactive flows
By Javier A Blasco, Jul 2000. This thesis addresses the pioneering application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN's) to the representation of the thermochemistry in for the simulation of turbulent combustion. The thermochemical space is automatically divided into regions using a Self-Organizing Map, and then each region is modeled with a multi-layer preceptron. (In Spanish)
Numerical simulation of instabilities in gas-liquid interfases
By Enrique López-Pages, Feb 2000. The triggering and development of instabilities at the separating surface (interface) between two streams of liquid and a gas, downstream of dividing plates with infinitesimally thin and thick train edges are studied in this Thesis. It uses the Volume of Fluid (VOF) in order to locate and follow the liquid-gas interface, and the Continuum Surface Force method to model the effects of the surface tension force.